We are the Knights (that’s pronounced phonetically - cuh-nig-its - as of the movie Monty Python and the Holy Grail) Who Say Cyclic, a group of High School students, all of whom attended 6thgrade at Challenger School. At Challenger, we each gained not only a respect of the English language but also the want to change the world. Our noble mission is to improve America, one step at a time – primarily by improving the U.S.’s tongue and correcting false ideas about how its government functions. To learn more, please visit our website at www.cuhnigits.org.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Official Start of the Quote War!!! (Finally!)

No more talk, no more saying "we should" or "suppose we, someday..."
The Quote War, Quote Faire, Quote Extravaganza, whatever you wish to call it, is OFFICIALLY opening this Friday. You've known it was coming, so finish up your frenzied studying of quotes and we start in two days. Anyone challenging this proposition? No? Excellent.
I remain,
And figuratively in existence,


  1. And, I emailed y'all a link to a must-read article that very-much-so backs up our new point on education. I would offer to give all who read it and extra 5 points on their next algebra exam, but to my great regret I do not yet possess that power. The only other incentive I can think to offer is non-existant Medals of Honor... so if you want one of those, please read the article. If you don't want, please read it anyway, I don't know how else I can bribe you. =)

  2. Cool!
    Nonexistant medals! I am on it!
    Baldr, god of winning stuff

  3. But it's a different kind of nonexistant, sorry. It's not the state of mind nonexixtant, it's the physical nonexistance.
    Since when were you the god of winning stuff? And if you're going to continue making things up for you to be god over, you oughtn't complain about my being Queen of Everything. =P
    Sol, Queen of Everything, and Super Orc by night

  4. Whoa there, super Orc?Am I missing something?

  5. Well, queens need to conquor to rule new lands. I, as a god, have the ability to declare something, and it is instantly true(within reason).
    Baldr, god of winning arguements against Sol

  6. of course, gods cannot give themselves Medals of Honour. But I could give a Medal of Honour to someone else... If for example, they agreed with me on... something...
    Baldr, god of forgiveness

  7. Well, you know what? I am a Debater, of 5 months professional experience. Don't be so quick to say you have won the argument. Also, I wish to raise a disagreement concerning your statement "I, as a god, have the ability to declare something, and it is instantly true (within reason). Some phrases from the dictionary : Source of all moral authority... supreme being... a superhuman being having power over nature or human fortunes... Hmm, nothing about deciding truths. Additionally, you must keep in mind that I am not only Queen of Everything, Super Orc, AND you Doomy High Priestess, but also a Nordic God (Sol, god of sun and whatever else I choose.)

  8. Oho! Don't get so cocky, your dietynesses! The ancient gods were far from all powerful, and if we start playing Nordic-god pecking order, then we will all end up with Odin as our leige. =)

  9. Also, what are we debating? And may I repeat, "Super-Orc"? What!?!
    Laga the Confused.

  10. =P. Well, Odin's not here, IS HE? (Hint hint, ODIN). And the debate is essentially about Nordic-god pecking order, and power, and seneriority, and such pleasantries. Care to join it, Laga?
    Call me and I'll explain Super-Orc.

  11. Yes, well, I've always been the god of poetry, so I can say anything and then claim poetic licence.
    Baldr, god of quick thinking.

  12. Yeah, yeah. =P
    I still have seniority over you.
    That means I'm BETTER.

  13. And, by the way, we should start anew at looking for a day on which we can all congregate, preferably at a bookstore or other pleasant abode. Okay, not abode, per se, but you know what I mean.

  14. Ok. I can't really resist a challenge like that. My claims to the top spot? While you may have helped keep the organization afloat (by having a tecnilogically-gifted father who we all send many thanks to for this blog and our website, and calling people because you are the only one with everyone's phone #s,) I actually came up with the idea. And most of the name. And I really don't think we should try to have a pecking order anyway. After all, we all have our specialities and own unique perspective to bring to the group, so why try to establish superiority? After all, the MHP (sorry to non-members for an obscure reference) work better when we did away with the unnecessary burocracy, such as it was? I believe that while a republic is necessary to rule a non-perfect society, it is unnecessary and destructive to what is, essentially, a small group of kids who have started a club to do a little good and have some fun.
    ~Laga, The One Who Talks Way Too Much

  15. "A small group of kids who have started a club to do a little good and have some fun," you say. So, honestly, you think that vying for alpha dog isn't fun? =) But really, Laga, I AM superior. But really. Who, let's vote, who would rather have a boring ol' anarchy over an intense competition for Supreme Ruler?

  16. Well, the gauntlet really has been thrown now! So, Baldr, Mira, and Odin, care to toss your own hats in the ring or will this be just Sol and Laga, the person who will either win or get us to agree on anarchy?

  17. Ha. But I do agree, and would like some more participants. Step up to the podium, comrades, and make your speech.

  18. Well, I vote myself to be the evil-tyrant-dictator.
    Baldr, evil-tyrant-dictator and god of being evil-tyrant-dictator

  19. and also ODIN has obviosly done the most for this blog. (sarcasm hand raised)

  20. Okay, Baldr, your argument has one major flaw and that is this - evil-tyrant-dictators AREN'T voted into office. They just (usually violently) take over the just, good, and better government (me).

  21. Ok, so I have a question. How on middle earth is one supposed to take over a BLOG!?!

  22. Well, Laga, theoretically, Baldr could...
    ...break into my account here (after guessing, by some miraculous power, both my username and password - my username is NOT my normal email address)...
    ...then go to Settings and mess up whatever he wanted, in his evil-tyrant-dictator way...
    ...plus change my password so that I could no longer get in (this is the equivalent of banishing the former government head)...
    ...and then he would have taken over the blog.
    Does that answer your question?

  23. Yup... Now I have to spend a few hours guessing passwords- ugh...

  24. And usernames, don't forget that.
    But wait, since when did YOU want to take over the blog? Or are you actually Baldr, who had broken into LAGA'S account and is commenting from there???

  25. Yes, and that's the worst part. Unless Baldr messes up and says something that clearly shows that it is he who controls Laga's account... but even then, Laga may have done that on purpose to throw me off... it's just impossible to get around. =(
