We are the Knights (that’s pronounced phonetically - cuh-nig-its - as of the movie Monty Python and the Holy Grail) Who Say Cyclic, a group of High School students, all of whom attended 6thgrade at Challenger School. At Challenger, we each gained not only a respect of the English language but also the want to change the world. Our noble mission is to improve America, one step at a time – primarily by improving the U.S.’s tongue and correcting false ideas about how its government functions. To learn more, please visit our website at www.cuhnigits.org.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Turkey Day!...

... even though the Turkeys aren't particularly Happy. Okay, bad joke, sorry.
So, hope you all have submitted your ten comments to Laga's post... we have so much to be thankful for, it shouldn't be that hard. Just do it. 
I'd like to remind you all that, in addition to checking the blog posts periodically, you should also try to keep track of the various conversations going on in the comments of some of the posts. We'll become more organized as time goes on; thank you for your patience as we gradually work out all the kinks. A few of you (Bladr and Mira) had questions on the Excursions in the comments of one of the posts, and I tried to answer those there. If you still are unclear, email me.
Continue to be on the lookout for possible Knight (cuh-nig-it) additions, and enjoy your day, your food, your family, and all the other 110+ things (so far) we are thankful for!
Smiles (and Sunshine, because it is currently 2 degrees at my glorious home),
"On Thanksgiving Day, we acknowledge our dependence." -- William Jennings Bryan

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