We are the Knights (that’s pronounced phonetically - cuh-nig-its - as of the movie Monty Python and the Holy Grail) Who Say Cyclic, a group of High School students, all of whom attended 6thgrade at Challenger School. At Challenger, we each gained not only a respect of the English language but also the want to change the world. Our noble mission is to improve America, one step at a time – primarily by improving the U.S.’s tongue and correcting false ideas about how its government functions. To learn more, please visit our website at www.cuhnigits.org.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Happy birthday to Joseph on the off chance he checks the blog


  1. Laga what are you doing here??? ! ! !

  2. Wishing my friend a happy birthday! From Vienna! ... And now from London. =D

  3. Thank you everyone, I did indeed have a happy birthday.
    Also, look how blogger let me sign in!

  4. Happy Birthday!!! (Belated, but happy nonetheless)Laga: LONDON??? VIENNA??? WHAAAAT??? Could you possibly be so lucky? xD Hahaha that's great!
