We are the Knights (that’s pronounced phonetically - cuh-nig-its - as of the movie Monty Python and the Holy Grail) Who Say Cyclic, a group of High School students, all of whom attended 6thgrade at Challenger School. At Challenger, we each gained not only a respect of the English language but also the want to change the world. Our noble mission is to improve America, one step at a time – primarily by improving the U.S.’s tongue and correcting false ideas about how its government functions. To learn more, please visit our website at www.cuhnigits.org.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011



  1. Hey everybody! Sorry to put the post in the comments, my computer is just being really bizarre... Anyway, I just learned some really cool stuff about penguins, and thought I'd share! Did you know that the only species of penguin in the northern hemisphere lives in the Galapagos? And the smallest species of penguin is called the fairy penguin? And an extinct kind of penguin grew as big as a person?

  2. Laga, I don't mean to be rude or blunt or anything, but would you mind keeping the subject away from penguins? That's still a tender subject for me... especially since you're the reason my emu had to be hospitalized... Do you mind?

  3. I can talk about penguins if I want to! And it was your emu's fault, the penguin's food wasn't anywhere it's cage!

  4. Edit: anywhere near the emu's cage. Sorry about that!

  5. Look, he wasn't USED to a cage! I usually just tie him up but because he looked like he was going to ATTACK your penguin I had to cage him!

  6. Well then it's the fault of your emu's violent tendencies, isn't it?

  7. It's an EMU for goodness's sake! And he ended off worse, and in intensive care, and was almost traumatized for life, so you have NO right to insult him like that!
    Laga, I can't believe you!

  8. ... Sol, your Emu has anger issues. Laga, your penguin needs defense classes. Ok? :)

  9. Baldr wants to comment, but THE STUPID BLOG WON'T LET HIM!!! He is so sorry. Also, he want's to cry.
    Anyway, if he could post, he would say how funny you guys are, and how much he has missed- and is missing- posting on this blog.

    -Anonymous, god of posting for baldr...

  10. We miss you too Baldr! And Sol, how was I supposed to know your emu would choke on food it wasn't even supposed to eat? Silly gluttonous emu...

  11. Baldr: three things. First, the comment appears to have worked...
    Second, PLEASE stop referring to yourself in the third person; it drives me nuts... even if you ARE going for the "I'm NOT Baldr" approach...
    Mira: Anger issues?! Are you kidding?! What would YOU do if a strange PENGUIN suddenly showed up in YOUR house and you had to be CAGED and the penguin was PROVOKING you?!
    Laga: HOW DARE YOU! He was NOT gluttonous! Your penguin was provoking him, or else he wouldn't have even noticed the food! IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!
    This calls for back-up... Laga, beware, for I bring unto you the WRATH of the GODS!!! (Odin, Baldr, a little support here?)

  12. Hey! The penguin is totally innocent! All the penguin did was get a little close to it because it was curious, that's all!!! I'm the one who needs backup from dangerous emus! Hmph.
    And maybe "anonymous" means he can't get it to log in to his name thingamajigy?

  13. On Baldr's predicament: Yes, I just barely realized that myself... sorry...
    Also, I forgot to say the third thing to Baldr and that is: You said "Also, he want's to cry." Twice. Because you copy-pasted. And, dear other knights, there was an incorrectly spelled/punctuated term in that sentence, yes? Come now, Baldr, we must be settings the good examples for the childrens, no?
    NOW please stop adding insult to unjury!

  14. Yes, that happened to me a few times as well, Baldr. It was very frustrating >:( Sol, you spelled story wrong... and setting"s"? And there were several mistakes in your last sentence to Baldr, although I can't really tell if you did that on purpose or not. Laga, I must admit that I find it slightly suspicious that the Emu went into intensive care while your penguin walked away without a scratch...

  15. Misspelling story as stpry was not on purpose, it was a typo. And the last sentence WAS on purpose... I was hoping that would have been obvious...
    Laga, listen to Mira, okay? What can you say to that? Honestly, stop with the squeezing lemon juice on the paper cut!!!!!

  16. Oh, yes, and we won't mention that the penguin is fine because I dived in front of him, causing your rampaging emu to trip on me! =P

  17. And don't call Oreo evil. That's just rude!

  18. Oh, as if you haven't been rude! Let's just look at the facts: YOUR penguin provoked Emu who was ALREADY nervous. Results: Emu was hospitalized and your penguin got away clean!
    Why do you even like that shifty penguin? Oreo, seriously? HE'S MANIPULATING YOU!!!
    Mira, Baldr, Odin, someone back me up here.

  19. Why don't you two each tell your side of the story in DETAIL. I can't really take sides until I actually know the story...

  20. Hey! I never thought I'd say it, but I really don't feel like being calm and rational here! You can NOT say that about Oreo!!! *runs off to ge pie catapult*

  21. Oh yeah? What right do YOU have? - *grabs bow with foam arrows*

  22. Your foam arrows are no match for my delectable ammunition!!! XP

  23. If you two start fighting, your emu and penguin will most likely start fighting, causing a world war to start between groups of waddling birds and jumpy birds. Plus, using foam arrows will cause littering, and if animals choke on them who's gonna take responsibility? Huh? And if the animals eat the pie and get sick, whatcha gonna do? WORMS WILL START BEING RIGHTSIDE UP. DON'T CAUSE THE END OF THE WORLD.

  24. Don't worry, I use special, non-poisonous to animals pies. *squints, aims, and launches pie all over everything!*
    Heh. => That was fun.

  25. No, you will not get sick! I wouldn't be that evil!!! =)

  26. My foam arrows are infused with JALAPENO JUICE!!! Ha HA!

  27. Unfortunately for you, the Norse Goddess of Water has no allergy to jalapeños! HA!

  28. But I'm NOT baldr, I'm his twin that he absorbed before we were born, and now I'm taking over. So yeah, the reason he can't post is because he can't log in.
    Jeffrey, aka Anonymous.

  29. ...then why did your comment on "You can teach an old language new tricks" say "Baldr, god of setting trends?"... never mind, probably a typo on your part.
    Nice to meet you Jeffery Anonymous.
    Laga: Well, wait 'till you hear my REAL super-weapon... PEANUT BUTTER IN PLASMA FORM!!! I recently replaced the peanut butter jar you keep in your room with Plasma Peanut Butter (Registered trademark), so if you've had any peanut butter in the past week... haHA!

  30. Ha HA! Luckily for me, school has kept me busy and I haven't even thought about said peanut butter all week! (true story! ;) Thank you for filling me in on your nefarious scheme. Actually, we were talking in English today about how a lot of Evil Villans fall because they can't resist showing off their plans to the Hero... Heh. Funny how it ties in. Now I had better get on my anti-radioactive suit and move that peanut butter off of my desk... In case it is dangerous... =)

  31. I love how you capitalized 'Evil Villain' and 'Hero.'
    But I didn't tell you my FULL plan! The Peanut Butter Plasma (registered trademark) had toxic FUMES so if you INHALED near the jar, you have been INFECTED with a MYSTERIOUS disease which will yield UNKNOWN effects!

  32. Oh, so THAT'S why I just got a nosebleed and my eyes started glowing. =,( Living with an Evil Villan like he is, it's no wonder that emu is so mean. At least I only catapult pies!

  33. P.S- Someone please send me a cure...

  34. HaHAHA! How are you going to get a cure if you don't know EXACTLY what the poison was???

  35. It's a crying face. Maybe I should just stop with all the weird faces now...

  36. Is she siding with you regarding faces or penguins?

  37. Well, she appears to have commented only on the faces, and didn't offer you a cure for your illness, so I'd say she wasn't on YOUR side.

  38. But she agreed with me about the faces... Arrg, this is so confusing. I think those radioactive fumes affected my braaaiiiiinnnn...

  39. Let me see here...the reason I didn't give Laga a cure is because I was too busy to read the actual messages at the time. I'm gonna it to Laga now, which I can do because my illogicallness affected Sol in the 8th grade when I dubbed her the Infamous Evilness, and I can undermine her plans by reading her mind among other things when she goes into evil mode. So, here you go Laga. :D Right now, I'm siding with Laga because she had respect for nature, unlike Sol who used radioactive ingredients and dangerous jalepeno juice. Shame from my water bottle, Sol

  40. Oh, I don't respect nature? What about my emu, huh?

  41. Your actions to stand up for your emu endanger all other emus and species. Shaaaame from my water bottle.

  42. WHAT?!? I deny that, and declare war on YOU.

  43. Yay! I feel better now! But can I keep the cool eye-glowy thing? Weird side effects are awesome!

  44. NO! Grr. And besides, it wasn't a SIDE effect, it WAS an effect.

  45. So putting radioactive ingredients into peanut butter and letting loose foam arrows infused with jalepeno juice doesn't harm anyone? And I refuse your decree of war. War never helped anyone.

  46. A) It was JUST Laga's peanut butter. No contact with animals, whatsoever. And what's wrong with jalapeno juice?
    B) You're REFUSING my decree of WAR?!?! What?! You can't DO that!!!

  47. And I just kidnapped (no pun intended) your goat.

  48. It was letting off fumes, which poisons the atmosphere. Animals choke on foam, and jalepeno juice doesn't feel good in ANYONE's eyes. And it could be poisonous to some animals. Yes. I refuse it anyway. And they only declared war because there were power hungry people who refused to talk, and resulted in many deaths, injuries, etc. So, perhaps, as a last resort in some unavoidable situations. I'll give you that. However, as far as I know, none of us on this blog are power hungry, and we're talking right now, so it is not necessary OR wise.

  49. Wow. Fun-spoiler. Am I allowed to recruit Baldr, because Laga's the one who started this mess and you won't side with ANYONE?

  50. Aw, come on, guys! This post was going so well - 60 COMMENTS - until September 26 (roughly three weeks ago) when everyone dropped off the planet. =(

  51. Why, thank you :D I do believe it is the first time you have ever bestowed that compliment upon my humble head. I am so completely honored. If Baldr would like to join this commendably entertaining debate, then so be it. However, I would then be inclined to side with Laga, for the sake of balancing the sides. Fair enough? :)

  52. Wow, sarcasm! That's original! =P
    About you joining Laga "just to have it be fair-" You're joking, right? That's like saying, "Oh, the Confederates in the Civil War were outnumbered, so I decided to join them to even it out!" Side with who's RIGHT. (Which is me.)

  53. Isn't it? :) Well, this isn't exactly the Civil War, (or any war) is it now, as I denied your decree of war. And besides, you have no right to complain. I clearly asked for a thorough explanation in the very beginning of this argument, and you refused to give one. Besides, Laga didn't harm the environment in any way and gave me thorough proof of it. You, however, harmed the environment and animals and made not even an attempt at an excuse. This tells me that Laga cares about all animals, not just her penguin, and as pets are trained by their owners, I assume her penguin is quite docile. All of this leads me to believe that Laga is indeed correct, not the Infamous Evil. (By the way, that name doesn't really help either.)

  54. Sol, Sol, Sol. You have kidnapped Mira's goat AND officially declared war on her, and now you're trying to recruit her? I am not sure you have quite thought this through.

  55. I
    How COULD you?!?! "...as pets are trained by their owners, I assume her penguin is quite docile?!?!" That's bananas! That's balderdash! That's POPPYCOCK!
    I take my sling-shot (because today is sling-shot day after all) and launch a small rubber ball in your general direction, hoping to knock some sense into your head!

  56. LAGA!
    If I could scream louder than all-caps in type, I would be! I am so angry in you that I just feel like plucking a star from the sky and ripping it to pieces with my teeth! Even though I have an orthodontist appointment tomorrow. Should be getting my braces off soon!
    BUT ANYWAY! Don't try to distract me. I am EXTREMELY ANGRY.
    I did NOT kidnap Mira's goat! Mira, if it is missing by any chance, I would look towards LAGA with a healthy helping of suspicion.

  57. Well, as you furiously stated in your previous comment that you intended to steal my poor little goat, I think Laga is perfectly justified to accuse you of the action. Well, it's true, isn't it? Pets do take after their owners, and Laga is quite the capable, logical, calm person. Unlike you, who is going off into hysterics... now, what does that say about your emu? I wonder... As a side note... Bananas! :D
    "We like to go to the jungle, where there are lots of bananas, potassium potassium and CAL-CI-UM!"
    Hahahaha good times. ^_^
    Anyways, the stars don't deserve your jalapeno juice pollution, Sol -_-
    Have fun at the orthodontist! :D

  58. I'll retort fully when I have more time (I REALLY have to do my math homework now) but I couldn't let your incorrect version of the song slide by. Correction: "It's fun to live in the jungle, because there are lots of bananas. Potassium potassium, bananas have potassium. Yum yum yum yum yum yum yum with cal-ci-um!!!"

  59. Congratulations about the braces, Sol!
    To help you celebrate, I shall try to ignore the "yelling".
    Oh, and nice figurative language. =)

  60. Wish me luck on the 60 math problems I'll have to do tomorrow night. Bitterness.
    On the bright side (?) (yeah, not really), my creative short story that ISN'T due this week is going swimmingly!
    Thanks about the figurative language. I've taken to using a LOT of it... like in my creative short story. Similes and personification at the same time = fun!

  61. Good luck, Sol.

    Please wish me luck on:
    1. Math test
    2. Finishing my utterly impossible homework
    3. Orchestra concert tomorrow
    4. Choir concert and orchestra audition the day after tomorrow (I have no idea how the time is going to work for this...)
    5. My physical therapy and my strange arm and wrist malfunction that is causing me to lose feeling in my arm while feeling pain in my wrist.
    etc., etc., etc. etc...
    I'm not having the greatest month. Please excuse my whining.

  62. 1. Hey, I had a math test today too! But I also had a history test and a government test, and have to make up PE physical fitness tests from missing class for my ortho appointment yesterday.
    But good luck on all of those, though I'm sure you don't need it for the choir and orchestra things. Sorry about your wrist/arm; that sounds not-fun.

  63. So, back on topic!
    No, I don't think it's true that pets take after their owners. That's that and that ends your whole argument against my emu and for Laga's penguin.
    End of story.

  64. Oh darn that doesn't sound fun at all :( Thanks for the luck :)

    And yes, they do. That's that and that ends your whole argument. End of your story, beginning of mine.

  65. Baldr is still upset that in sixth grade you only gave him EVIL mangoes instead of plain mangoes.
    Jeffrey, who would just like to say that he resents the mangoes as well, and, in general, sides with penguins over emus, but he can't actually remember most of the argument so yeah.

  66. WHAT?!?!
    Baldr, you LOVED evil mangoes! You BEGGED for them RELENTLESSLY! Why does everyone hate me? =(
    And Jeffery can go die in a hole.

  67. You aren't really making yourself friends here, Sol. Poor Jeffry! I think he should get honorary knighthood. Oh, and shall we reveal our clever ruse now?

  68. About friends: Everyone hates me! =( *weeps.*
    About dubbing Jeff honorary knight: I think he should go die in a hole.
    About our clever ruse: No. Because it's still working.

  69. I'm thinking that you two were just using this post either to a) get people on the blog or b) just to have a fun conversation and pretend to fight. And even if penguins aren't usually domesticated, some are.

  70. Oh yeah? Give me ONE example of a DOMESTICATED penguin.
    By the way, the technical meaning of "domesticate" is: do·mes·ti·cate   [duh-mes-ti-keyt] Show IPA verb, -cat·ed, -cat·ing.
    verb (used with object)
    to convert (animals, plants, etc.) to domestic uses; tame.
    to tame (an animal), especially by generations of breeding, to live in close association with human beings as a pet or work animal and usually creating a dependency so that the animal loses its ability to live in the wild.
    to adapt (a plant) so as to be cultivated by and beneficial to human beings.
    to accustom to household life or affairs.
    to take (something foreign, unfamiliar, etc.) for one's own use or purposes; adopt.

  71. (Also by the way, in case you couldn't tell, meaning 2. would be most applicable.)
    to tame (an animal), especially by generations of breeding, TO LIVE IN CLOSE ASSOCIATION with human beings as a pet or work animal and usually CREATING A DEPENDENCY so that the animal LOSES ITS ABILITY TO LIVE IN THE WILD.
    Good LUCK.

  72. Try this one: http://youtu.be/vDN3L621ASI
    And this one: http://www.myfunnyanimals.com/domesticated-penguin

  73. You notice how it specifically said, and I quote, "Now, this is truly a one-of-a-kind situation" ?

  74. Hello! I am back! Mira, you were kind of right about both guesses!
    ...Penguins rule forever!!!

  75. Yeah, Mira was admittedly "kind of right about both guesses" ... but she was wrong to side with Laga! Because penguins rule NEVER!

  76. BTW (That's for you, Meleena-whatever-your-name-is), spontaneous Medal to Laga for getting back on the blog and reviving these old conversations.

  77. Yo! It's Melanee. Get it right, sheesh.

  78. Yeah, I knew it. :) And Sol, let me quote you. "Oh yeah? Give me ONE example of a DOMESTICATED penguin."
    That was one example. Your quotation of the source just proved my point. Thanks. :)

  79. What...??? *extreme confusion, which Sol despairingly hopes is not from the unvanquishable force of Illogic*
