We are the Knights (that’s pronounced phonetically - cuh-nig-its - as of the movie Monty Python and the Holy Grail) Who Say Cyclic, a group of High School students, all of whom attended 6thgrade at Challenger School. At Challenger, we each gained not only a respect of the English language but also the want to change the world. Our noble mission is to improve America, one step at a time – primarily by improving the U.S.’s tongue and correcting false ideas about how its government functions. To learn more, please visit our website at www.cuhnigits.org.

Saturday, July 30, 2011


Ok everyone! Be like oysters! If you want to know why, GET ON THE BLOG AND ASK! ;^_-

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Another Opportunity for a Medal!

And this time, Laga doesn't have to be the only winner! You weaklings (in a nice way) have a chance!!!!
The deal is this - watch the movie Waiting for "Superman," and you will get a Medal. The show is a documentary - but don't let that stop you because it isn't boring at all - about the failing public school system in America, how we could theoretically fix it, and why it's so hard to fix it. As a Knight you should feel obligated to watch it. In fact, I really shouldn't be offering a reward, but it can't hurt. Ready, set, go.
And plus if you refuse to watch it I will secretly blackmail you. I know where you live. Yes, all of you.
Especially Innocent Smiles,